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Materials (RADIOSS Incremental)

Materials (RADIOSS Incremental)

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Materials (RADIOSS Incremental)

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The Materials panel is used to define the materials for the forming simulation.

For Incremental_RADIOSS, Hill Orthotropic Tabulated is recommended for steel. For aluminum, 3-parameter Barlat Orthotropic materials is recommended. The same material model must be used for forming and springback. All tools are modeled as elastic.

For LS-DYNA, Transversely Isotropic Elastic Plastic material is recommended for steel. For aluminum, 3-parameter Barlat material is recommended. The same material model must be used for forming and springback. All tools are modeled as rigid.

User defined materials can be saved to the database by clicking the Add to Database button.

To create a hardening curve for the material, click on the import curve button.  You can then either create a curve using K, n and YS (yield strength) values, or read in an XY data file.  For further information on reading a file see the Curves panel.


How do I...

expand-green-10Create a rigid tool material

In the RADIOSS Incremental user profile:

1.Click on materials and enter the name of the rigid tool material.
2.Click on card image and select ELASTIC from the list.
3.Click on create.
Note:By default, the material properties assigned to this material are set for steel (E = 210,000 MPa, density =7.8e-9 Mg/mm^3, Poisson’s ratio = 0.3).   Also, the global constraints are applied while creating the tool from the Components panel.


In the DYNA Incremental user profile:

1.Click on materials and enter the name of the rigid tool material.
2.Click on card image and select MAT_RIGID from the list.
3.Click on create.
Note:By default, the material properties assigned to this material are set for steel (E = 210,000 MPa, density =7.8e-9 Mg/mm^3, poisson’s ratio = 0.3).   Also, the global constraints (Tx=Ty=Tz=Rx=Ry=Rz=0) for MAT_RIGID are applied.


expand-green-10Create a deformable blank material

In the RADIOSS Incremental user profile:

1. Click materials and enter the name of the blank material.
2. Click card image and select HillOrthotropicTabulated from the list.
3.Click import curve.
4.Click power law.
5.Click curve = and enter the name of the stress strain curve.
6.Click sigy = and enter the yield strength for the material.
7.Click k = and enter the hardening coefficient for the material.
8.Click n = and enter the hardening exponent for the material.
9.Click create to generate stress strain curve.
10.Click back to return to Materials panel and assign hardening curve to the material.
11.Click create.
12.Click edit card to assign appropriate values for Rho, E, Nu, r_0, R-45, and r_90.


In the Incremental_Dyna user profile:

1.Click materials and enter the name of the blank material.
2.Click card image and select MAT_TRANS_ANISO_ELASTIC_PLASTIC from the list.
3.Click import curve.
4.Click power law.
5.Click curve = and enter the name of the stress strain curve.
6.Click sigy = and enter the yield strength for the material.
7.Click k = and enter the hardening coefficient for the material.
8.Click n = and enter the hardening exponent for the material.
9.Click create to generate stress strain curve.
10.Click back to return to Materials panel and assign hardening curve to the material.
11.Click create.

12. Click edit card to assign appropriate values for Rho, E, PR, SIGY, ETAN, and R.



expand-green-10Modify a deformable blank material
1.Click materials and enter the name of the material.
2.Click card image and select the type of material from the list.
3.Click create.
4.To change the attributes, click edit card.


expand-green-10Update or remove a material
1.Select the material to be updated.
2.Update the card image or another attribute using edit card.
3.Click update.
4.To remove a material, select it and click remove.


expand-green-10Modify a rigid tool material constraint (LS-DYNA)
1.Click on materials and select the rigid material to edit.
2.Click on edit card.
3.Click on field CON1 and set the translation constraint according to table below.
4.Click on field CON2 and set the rotation constraint according to table below.

By default, HyperForm sets both CON1 and CON2 equal to 7 (fully constrained).



0: No constraints

0: No constraints

1: constrained X displacement

1: constrained X rotation

2: constrained Y displacement

2: constrained Y rotation

3: constrained Z displacement

3: constrained Z rotation

4: constrained X and Y displacement

4: constrained X and Y rotation

5: constrained Y and Z displacement

5: constrained Y and Z rotation

6: constrained Z and X displacement

6: constrained Z and X rotation

7: constrained X, Y, and Z displacement

7: constrained X, Y, and Z rotation



See also


LS-DYNA User’s Manual

RADIOSS User's Manual