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Part Outline

Part Outline

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Part Outline

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The Part Outline panel allows you to study the effect of varying the stamped part boundary on the initial undeformed blank boundary and vice versa. To access the Part Outline panel, click the part outline button on the RADIOSS One Step main page.


How do I...

expand-green-10View part outline variations
1.Click project = and select a file to display.
2.Click Final to display the final part mesh.
3.Click view from the blue menu panel and select the top view.
4.Pick points on the part to define the corners of the part outline.
5.Click select points to display the points between the selected corners of the part outline.
6.Click create line to draw a line describing the part outline.
Note:This line is stored in the HyperForm model file and can be turned on and off from display or exported as IGES data.
7.Click Initial to display the original points with respect to the undeformed blank.
8.Click create line to draw the outline corresponding to the undeformed blank.
Note:This line is stored in the HyperForm model file and can be turned on and off from display or exported as IGES data.

The above procedure can also be carried out starting from an outline on the initial undeformed blank in order to find its location with respect to the final deformed part.



See also

An Alphabetical List of Panels