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Available Commands

Available Commands

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Available Commands

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The following TCL commands are available:



The Load command is used to read the data from either the grid file or an existing RTM save file.

The GRF file is loaded to start a new run.

load gridfile_name phlex "Two Phase Flow"


To restart a run from the binary/ASCII save file:

load savefile restart step_number


The source command is used to read in another TCL file. These additional TCL files are usually used to define a user proc function.

source tclfile_name        


The pset command is used to initialize variables such as job control parameters or fluid properties.

pset     variable_name     value

A variable can be re-initialized many times.  For example, you can run the job with a constant time step value for a few time steps, and then change the time step before continuing the analysis.


The solve command is used to solve the problem after reading the data and initializing the variables.

solve "solver"

Valid entries for solver are: GMRES and Sparse. GMRES is an iterative solver. It will soon be replaced by PETSc. Sparse is a direct solver and it is the preferred solver and the default. When invoking the solve command for the first time, you have the option to initialize the flow field. This can be done by adding extra options to the solve command. The following table gives the syntax for each option.


The interactive command is invoked to display the GUI for either post-processing or running the job interactively.


The estimate command is used to compute the solution error estimates. Before issuing this command, ensure that the error estimation and mesh adaptation parameter are set properly.


The refine command is used to refine the mesh.  The mesh refinement can be isotropic or directional over the entire domain or portions of the flow domain.

refine domain direction

Valid entries for domain are: all | set name
Valid entries for direction are: iso | xi | eta | zeta | normal
Normal indicates that the refinement is normal to a boundary and will work only if the set is a set of elements on a given boundary
You can refine using global XYZ directions instead of xi/eta/zeta


The enrich command is used to enrich the polynomial order of the elements in the mesh.  Mesh enrichment can be isotropic or directional over the entire domain or portions of the flow domain.

enrich domain direction order

Valid entries for domain are: all (for entire mesh) | set set_name (name of the set eg: billet)
Valid entries for direction are: iso (isotropic refinement) | xi | eta | zeta | normal
Normal indicates that the refinement is normal to a boundary and will work only if the set is a set of elements on a given boundary
Order denotes the new polynomial order (P) of the elements.  The value of P must be less than 4.


The adapt command is used to automatically refine/enrich mesh. The solution error estimates must be computed and the adaptation parameters set properly before issuing this command.


The save command is used to save the solution into a file.

save  save_file_name binary

save  save_file_name ascii


The exit command must be invoked to exit the job after completing the analysis.