
Calculate the Neck Injury Criteria.


nij(xforce, zforce, ymoment, dummy_type, mode, condyle_correction, debug)


A vector containing the neck x component force (N).
A vector containing the neck z component force (N).
A vector containing the neck y component moment (Nm).
The function accepts either strings or integers as the dummy type:
  • 1 or "CRABI" = CRABI
  • 2 or "H3_3Y" = H3 3yr
  • 3 or "H3_6Y" = H3 6yr
  • 4 or "H3_5_IP" = H3 5th In Position
  • 14 or "H3_5_OP" = H3 5th Out of Position
  • 5 or "H3_50" = H3 50th
  • 6 or "H3_95" = H3 95th
注: Double quotes must be used around strings.
This argument determines the Nij curve to return
  • 1 = Ntf
  • 2 = Nte
  • 3 = Ncf
  • 4 = Nce
  • 5 = {max(Ntf), max(Nte), max(Ncf), max(Nce)}
  • 6 = Ntf without 0.00 constraint
  • 7 = Nte without 0.00 constraint
  • 8 = Ncf without 0.00 constraint
  • 9 = Nce without 0.00 constraint
  • 10 = {max(Ntf), max(Nte), max(Ncf), max(Nce)} without 0.00 constraint
1 = yes (yMoment = yMoment - xForce * fCondyle)
0 = no
Prints processing messages to the message window.
  • 1 = on
  • 0 = off


As a curve:
X:  p1w1c1.x
Y: nij(p1w1c1.y, p1w1c3.y, p1w1c2.y, 5, 1, 1, 0)
As a note:
{ntf = nij(p1w1c1.y, p1w1c3.y, p1w1c2.y, 5, 1, 1, 0)}
{nte = nij(p1w1c1.y, p1w1c3.y, p1w1c2.y, 5, 2, 1, 0)}
{ncf = nij(p1w1c1.y, p1w1c3.y, p1w1c2.y, 5, 3, 1, 0)}
{nce = nij(p1w1c1.y, p1w1c3.y, p1w1c2.y, 5, 4, 1, 0)}
{maxvalue = nij(p1w1c1.y, p1w1c3.y, p1w1c2.y, 5, 5, 1, 0)}
Ntf = {maxvalue[0],f3.2} @ {c1.x[indexofmax(ntf)]}
Nte = {maxvalue[1],f3.2} @ {c1.x[indexofmax(nte)]}
Ncf = {maxvalue[2],f3.2} @ {c1.x[indexofmax(ncf)]}
Nce = {maxvalue[3],f3.2} @ {c1.x[indexofmax(nce)]}


Data must be filtered, in correct units, and with consistent time vectors.

You will need to run this four times to get each of the four Nij curves. Use mode = 5 to determine the peak value for each Nij returned and then take the max() of those peaks to find the final Nij value.