HWC Console Command Syntax

The HWC command syntax is case insensitive.

Multiple Commands per Line

Multiple commands can be used in one line using the pipe “|” separator. The command below shows the copy and pasting of multiple commands into the command line where the pipe separator symbol is automatically inserted:
hide all | mark component dictionaryrange "SHELL: TIRE-FRONT-LEFT" "SHELL: TIRE-RIM-OUTER.3" | show component marked

図 1. Multiple Commands in the Command Line

ID Range Lists

All commands which support entity IDs support the ID range syntax. Single entities or a range of entities are separated by a comma ",". During command recording, the minimum required amount of information is recorded.
show component 2000770-2000780,2000083

Label Lists

Command for labeled entities support label lists separated by a comma, "," in addition to the ID range syntax.
show component "BIW - A pillar bracket 5 - R - I" ,"BIW - B pillar reinfor 2 - R - I" ,"BIW - control module brkt"
mark sset "Set 1" ,"Set 2" ,"Set 5"
Additionally, the mark command supports the "dictionaryrange" syntax, which allows you to select entities in the range of a dictionary-sorted entity list by entering the entity start- and end-label.
mark component dictionaryrange "SHELL: TIRE-FRONT-LEFT" "SHELL: TIRE-RIM-OUTER.3"


The wildcard "*" stands for an arbitrary number of characters, while "?" stands for exactly one character. They can be used both in the ID range syntax or label list:
show component 20001*, 20007*,
hide component *pillar*,*floor*

図 2. Wildcard Usage in show component Command