Library Files


This Windows library file contains the implementation of the functions Open_HM_ExtAPI() and Close_HM_ExtAPI(). This file is located under the <altair_home>/hm/lib/<platform> directory.

This Linux library file contains the implementation of the functions Open_HM_ExtAPI() and Close_HM_ExtAPI(). This file is located under the <altair_home>/hm/bin/<platform> directory.

These functions encapsulate the process of verifying the version of the installation, loading and initializing the required libraries, and proper cleanup and unloading of the libraries. The functions within this library do not depend on any existing HyperWorks installation libraries so even without a HyperWorks installation, the user application would still be able to run and return an error after a failed attempt to open the HyperMesh session. Therefore, it is necessary to have these files available in the application directory at run time.
注: These libraries are built with the following compilers: Windows: Visual Studio 2019 (16.3.7) Linux: GCC version 8.3.1 (Red Hat 7.4) (GCC)