Review Evaluation Results

Review the input variable and output response values for each run, as well as review the run files.

View Run Data Summary

View a detailed summary of all input variable and output response run data in a tabular format from the Evaluation Data tab.

  1. From the Evaluate step, click the Evaluation Data tab.
  2. From the Channel selector, select the channels to display in the summary table.
  3. Analyze the run data summary.
  4. Optional: Disable run data from post processing without deleting it entirely from the study by clearing a run's corresponding checkbox in the Post Process column.
    When a run is disabled, it will be removed from all plots, tables, and calculations in the Post Processing step.

Figure 1.

Analyze Evaluation Plot

Plot a 2D chart of the input variable and output response values for each run using the Evaluation Plot tool.

  1. From the Evaluate step, click the Evaluation Plot tab.
  2. From the Channel selector, select the input variable and/or output response to plot along the y-axis.
    The x-axis represents the run numbers.
  3. Analyze the plot.

Figure 2.

Analyze Dependency Between Two Sets of Data

Analyze the dependency between two sets of data in a scatter plot from the Evaluation Scatter tab. Visually emphasize data in the scatter plot by appending additional dimensions in the form of bubbles.

  1. From the Evaluate Step, click the Evaluation Scatter tab.
  2. Select data to display in the scatter plot.
    • Use the Channel selector to select two dimensions of data to plot.

      Figure 3.
    • Use the Bubbles selector to select additional dimensions of data to visually emphasize in the scatter plot. The selected input variables/output responses are represented by varying sizes and colors of bubbles.
      The size and color of bubbles is determined by values in the run data for the selected input variable/output response. For size, larger bubbles equal larger values. For color, different shades of red, blue, and gray are used to visualize the range of values. The darker the shade of red, the larger the value. The lighter the shade of blue, the smaller the value. Gray represents the median value.

      Figure 4.
  3. Analyze the dependencies between the selected data sets.
Tip: Display selected data in a single plot or separate plots by switching the Multiplot option between (single plot) and (multiple plots).
Configure the scatter plot's display settings by clicking (located in the top, right corner of the work area). For more information about these settings, refer to Evaluation ScatterScatter Tab Settings.

Evaluation Scatter Tab Settings

Settings to configure the plots displayed in the Evaluation Scatter tab.

In the Evaluation Scatter tab, there are two methods for selecting data to display in the scatter plot: Channel and Bubble.

Access settings from the menu that displays when you click (located in the top, right corner of the work area).

Channel Settings

Display the X bounds in the plot.
Display the Y bounds in the plot.

Bubble Settings

Adjust the overall size of all bubbles.
Adjust the size of bubbles so that smaller bubbles become smaller, while larger bubbles remain fixed, enabling the view to be directed at larger bubbles.
Reverse the size of bubbles so that smaller values are represented by larger bubbles.
Discrete Steps
Change the level of color shading applied to bubbles.
Specify the number of red, blue, and gray shades used to color bubbles.
Reverse the color of bubbles so that red represents smaller values and blue represents larger values.