
Failure Model

Failure Model

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Failure Model

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Select a failure model

Preexisting failure models are listed in the tab.  A number of toolbar buttons enable different modes of selection and editing:




select/unselect all


review selected


create a new failure model


Attempt to automatically fix any invalid details of the selected items.


pick nodes in the graphic window, and then press Enter, right-click the mouse button or select Yes or Cancel in the Dialog menu bar.


add nodes by box selection (the default box is rectangular — use the SHIFT key to define a polygon box).


pick parts from your model then press Enter, right-click the mouse button or select Yes or Cancel in the Dialog menu bar.


add parts by box selection (the default box is rectangular — use the SHIFT key to define a polygon box).


delete selected item(s).

When you select parts or nodes, any existing failure model associated to the selected entities will display in the list.


Create a failure model

1.From the RADIOSS Tools menu, select Failure Model.
2.Under Choose Failure Model, select the failure model type from the pull-down.

A Properties tab opens.

3.In the Properties tab, enter a name for the new failure model in the Title field.
4.Select the material from the Material pull-down menu.
Note:Only materials that are suitable for the selected failure model may be chosen.
5.Edit the available parameters in their respective fields.
6.Click Save or Cancel.