Types of visualizers

The different types of visualizers

Data visualizers enable to visualize the data of a collection. The data visualizers are organized in 3 groups:
  • The generic visualizers display the collection data obtained for the current step on the support. All the collections are compatible. In the particular case of the derived – FFT collection, the continue component is displayed.
  • The visualizers dedicated to time forces display force vectors obtained for the current step on the support. Only the collections dedicated to the force computations are compatible. The user should specify:
    • The type of forces to display (local forces at nodes or global forces by connected groups of elements)
    • The force component to display (Resulting, Normal or Tangential). The visualizer subtype “for collections dedicated to rotating machines” must be selected, when appropriate, only the force collections dedicated to rotating machines are compatible.
  • The visualizers dedicated to force harmonics display force complex vectors obtained for a given frequency or a given harmonic on the support. Only the collections of the derived FFT type and applied to vector collections are compatible. The user should specify:
    • The type of forces to display (local forces to the nodes or global forces by connected groups of elements)
    • The harmonic rank to display (0 for the continuous component)
    • The force component to display (Resulting, Normal or Tangential). The visualizer subtype “for collections dedicated to rotating machines” must be selected, when appropriate, only the collections derived from a force collection dedicated to rotating machines are compatible.

The data are the displayed as an elementary data cloud, points for scalar data or arrows for vector data, and the color will depend on the current value module.