Coil conductor with losses regions in 2D

2D coil and section plane

In 2D, the elementary strands section is defined in the XY plane (=plane perpendicular to the current=section plane), in rectangular or circular shape. The specific information about rectangular shape are described in the following blocs.

Rectangular section: horizontal and vertical dimensions

For the strands in rectangular shape, the dimensions are defined in the oriented coordinate system for definition (Orientation tab):

  • The dimension called horizontal corresponds to the dimension in the OX axis of the coordinate system
  • The dimension called vertical corresponds to the dimension in the OY axis of the coordinate system


The dimensions are specified in the Dimension tab

The oriented coordinate system is specified in the Orientation tab

Oriented coordinate system for definition (2D)

It is also possible to “incline the strands” in the section plane, by applying a rotation on all the elementary strands in the plane section.

The rotation angle q is the rotation angle of the definition coordinate system, which becomes the oriented definition coordinate system.
Table 1.