Functions in Expressions
View the list of available functions in CADFEKOPOSTFEKO.
sin cos tan cot |
Trigonometric functions (arguments expected in radians). |
arcsin arccos arctan arccot |
Trigonometric inverse functions (results in radians). |
eps0 | The permittivity of free space in F/m. |
atan2 | atan2(y,x) yields arctan(y/x) in the range - ... . |
pi | The mathematical constant (Ludolph’s number). |
sinh cosh tanh |
Hyperbolic functions |
fmod | fmod(a,b) returns the remainder of the division a/b. |
deg | Converts radians to degrees. |
rad | Converts degrees to radians. |
log | Logarithm to base 10 |
ln | Natural logarithm |
exp | Exponential function |
sqrt | Square root |
abs | Absolute value |
step | step(x) is 1 when x>0; otherwise it is 0. |
ceil | Rounded upwards |
floor | Rounded downwards |
min max |
min(a,b) gives the minimum of the two
arguments. max(a,b) gives the maximum of the two arguments. |