Finite Antenna Array Solver Settings

View the solver settings applicable to finite antenna arrays.

On the Solve/Run tab, in the Solution settings group, click the  Solver settings icon. Click the Domain decomposition tab.

Solve model with Domain Green's Function Method (DGFM)
Select the Solve model with Domain Green's Function Method (DGFM) check box to solve the model with the faster finite antenna array solution method.
Tip: Clear the Solve model with Domain Green's Function Method (DGFM) check box to solve the model using the full wave solution method (MoM or MLFMM). This option is useful to validate the model against the faster finite antenna array solution method and to compare the run time and memory requirements.
Deactivate coupling between domains
Select the Deactivate coupling between domains check box to ignore the mutual coupling between the antenna array elements.
Note: Disabling this setting is not recommended. Use this option only when investigating the effect of coupling between the array elements.