Solve a system of stiff differential algebraic equations.
[t,y] = ode15i(@func,tin,y0,yp0)
[t,y] = ode15i(@func,tin,y0,yp0,options)
[t,y] = ode15i(...)
- func
- The system of equations to solve.
- tin
- The vector of times (or other domain variable) at which to report the solution. If the vector has two elements, then the solver operates in single-step mode and determines the appropriate intermediate steps.
- y0
- The vector of initial conditions.
- yp0
- The vector of initial derivative conditions.
- options
- A struct containing options settings specified via odeset.
- t
- The times at which the solution is computed.
- y
- The solution matrix, with the solution at each time stored by row.
Solve for the location in a mass spring damper system.
function f = MSD(t,y,yp,v,m,k,c)
% y = [x, mD, mS]
f = [0, 0, 0];
f(1) = (y(2)-y(3)) - m*yp(1); % momentum equilibrium
f(2) = y(1) - yp(3)/k; % displacement equilibrium
f(3) = (m*v-y(2)) - y(1)*c; % momentum equilibrium
m = 1.6; % mass
v = 1.5; % initial velocity
k = 1.25; % spring constant
c = 1.1; % damping constant
handle = @(t,y,yp) MSD(t,y,yp,v,m,k,c);
t = [0:0.2:12]; % time vector
yi = [0, m*v,0];
ypi = [v, -c*v, 0.0];
[t,y] = ode15i(handle,t,yi,ypi);
x = y(:,1)'
x = [Matrix] 1 x 61
0.00000 0.27883 0.51380 0.70368 0.84867 0.95031 1.01115 1.03459 1.02487
0.98659 0.92472 0.84408 0.74925 0.64471 0.53465 0.42303 0.31339 0.20877
0.11150 0.02341 -0.05410 -0.12006 -0.17400 -0.21589 -0.24610 -0.26529
-0.27428 -0.27412 -0.26598 -0.25113 -0.23086 -0.20647 -0.17920 -0.15024
-0.12064 -0.09137 -0.06321 -0.03684 -0.01278 0.00857 0.02693 0.04216
0.05420 0.06310 0.06902 0.07216 0.07280 0.07123 0.06781 0.06288 0.05675
0.04978 0.04225 0.03445 0.02664 0.01905 0.01187 0.00528 -0.00062 -0.00574
ode15i solves the system using the backward differentiation formula algorithm from the Sundials IDA library.
To pass additional parameters to a function argument, use an anonymous function.
- RelTol: 1.0e-3
- AbsTol: 1.0e-6
- Jacobian: []