Run the mat2ascii utility from the command line to convert a .mat file to ASCII format. The mat2ascii utility is supported for both the 64-bit Windows and Linux platforms.

Tip: The mat2ascii utility only supports .mat files generated with a sequential run.1
The mat2ascii utility is called from the command line using:
mat2ascii FILENAME [b]
The name of the .mat file (including the file extension).
[Optional] The number of the block you want to convert to ASCII. Typically this is for a run over frequency where there is a block for each frequency.

The default is the first block, b=1.

An example of how to run the mat2ascii utility using the command line and redirecting the output to a .txt file:
mat2ascii example.mat 3 > example_fr_3.txt
If , .mat.1 ... are generated, the files are for a parallel run.