Example Scripts

Three sample job scripts are included, one simple example one using the --use-job-scheduler option and two examples for using SGI MPT.

Script 1

# Simple example for a job script for using Feko with a queuing system 
# like Altair PBS Professional with the automatic Intel MPI integration.
# General settings for Altair PBS Professional
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=1
#PBS -l walltime=1:30:00
#PBS -q workq

# General settings for the Feko job
#   Name of the Feko file (without extension)
#   Name of the working directory


echo "=================================================="
echo "Feko running with file " $fekname " 
echo "=================================================="

# Go to the correct working directory (where we expect the input file)
cd $workdir

# Start the parallel Feko job
/opt/feko/bin/runfeko $fekname --use-job-scheduler

echo "---"
echo "Feko run finished"

# The end
exit 0

Script 2

# Simple example for a script for using Feko with a queuing system 
# like Altair PBS Professional.
# To be adapted according to the specific needs.
# Some useful QSUB commands (remove if not required)
#   Limit the maximum number of nodes
#QSUB-l mpp_p=8
#   Time limit per node in seconds
#QSUB-l p_mpp_t=60
#   Time limit for the total request in seconds
#QSUB-l mpp_t=60
#   Name of the request
#QSUB-r xxxxx.rqs
#   For accounting purposes, use a special account
#QSUB-A yyyyy
#   Merge stderr and stdout
#   Direct the job log to a file
#QSUB-j xxxxx.log
#   Direct stdout to a file
#QSUB-o xxxxx.sto
#   Write stdout file while request is executed (allows monitoring)

# General settings for the Feko job
#   Number of parallel processes to be used
#   File with the nodenames to be used
#   Name of the Feko file (without extension)
#   Name of the working directory


# Avoid immediate job abort when signal 26 (CPU time limit exceeded)
# is received (this gives Altair Feko time to clean up everything)
trap "" 26

echo "==================================================================="
echo "Feko running with file " $fekname " on " $nprocs " processes"
echo "==================================================================="

# Go to the correct working directory (where we expect the input file)
cd $workdir

# Start job accounting (if installed)

# Start the parallel Feko job
/opt/feko/bin/runfeko $fekname -np $nprocs --machines-file $machfile

# Accounting output
ja -chl     # detailed output
ja -s       # summary
ja -t       # terminate job accounting

echo "---"
echo "Feko run finished"

# The end
exit 0

Script 3

# Simple example for a script for using Feko with a queuing system 
# like PBS.
# To be adapted according to the specific needs.
# General settings for the Feko job
#   Number of parallel processes to be used
#   Name of the Feko file (without extension)
#   Name of the working directory


echo "==================================================================="
echo "Feko running with file " $fekname " on " $nprocs " processes"
echo "==================================================================="

# Go to the correct working directory (where we expect the input file)
cd $workdir

# Start the parallel Feko job
/opt/feko/bin/runfeko $fekname -np $nprocs --machines-file $PBS_NODEFILE

echo "---"
echo "Feko run finished"

# The end
exit 0