
Merges specified RGB/RGBA channels into a single image.


handle = mergecv(r, g, b)

handle = mergecv(r, g, b, a)


Handle of the single channel image or a real, 2D matrix representing the red channel. An empty matrix ([]) can be used to supress red channel in handle.
Type: integer | mat
Handle of the single channel image or a real, 2D matrix representing the green channel. An empty matrix ([]) can be used to supress green channel in handle.
Type: integer | mat
Handle of the single channel image or a real, 2D matrix representing the blue channel. An empty matrix ([]) can be used to supress blue channel in handle.
Type: integer | mat
Handle of the single channel image or a real, 2D matrix representing the alpha channel. An empty matrix ([]) can be used to supress alpha channel in handle.
Type: integer | mat


Handle of the merged image.
Type: integer


Merge an image with all channels specified:

cvhandle = imreadcv('image1.jpg');
[r, g, b] = splitcv(cvhandle);
mergedhandle = mergecv(r, g, b);
Merge an image, supressing the green and blue channels:

cvhandle = imreadcv('image1.jpg');
[r, g, b] = splitcv(cvhandle);
mergedhandle = mergecv(r, [], []); % Shows only the red channel
Merge an image, supressing the blue channel and modifying the green channel:

cvhandle = imreadcv('image1.jpg');
[r, g, b] = splitcv(cvhandle);
imsize = imsizecv(r);
mergedhandle = mergecv(r, ones(imsize(1),imsize(2)), []);