Run in Batch Mode

The batch mode option is especially useful for process automation, optimization, and other repetitive simulation tasks.

Run in Batch Mode on Windows

Invoke the script: <installation_directory>\Activate_batch.bat, and then enter either Activate model files (.scm files) or OML scripts (.oml files) as input arguments preceded with –f. For example, for an OML script, enter Activate_batch.bat -f name.oml. For a .scm file, enter Activate_batch.bat -f name.scm
Note: If the model file contains graphical windows, such as plot windows for Scope blocks, the windows are not generated or displayed.

Run in Batch Mode on Linux

Invoke the script: <installation_directory>/scripts/Activate_batch, and then enter either Activate model files (.scm files) or OML scripts (.oml files) as input arguments preceded with –f. For example, for an OML script, enter Activate_batch -f name.oml. For a .scm file, enter Activate_batch -f name.scm
Note: If the model file contains graphical windows, such as plot windows for Scope blocks, the windows are not generated or displayed.

Batch Mode Start Options

Option Argument Description Platform Support
-w <filename>.<extension> Launches a hidden mode of the Activate GUI with the full functionality of the interactive version, but without the display. All supported platforms.
-i <space separated inputs> Passes input(s) to scripts. These options can be accessed in Activate by the OML commands: getcmdinput and getnumofcmdinputs. To pass cell arrays or matrices on Linux, the open/close braces and semi-colons need to be quoted.
Linux example:
-input '{ ' 1,2,3 '}
' [' 4 '; ' 5 '] ' 
Windows example:
-input {1,2,3} [4;5]
All supported platforms.
-f <filename>.<extension>
  • Runs a model or a script specified by the file.
  • Requires absolute file paths as the argument (separated by ',').
All supported platforms.