SS-V: 5010 Z-Shaped Cantilever

Test No. VNL02Find vertical dsiplacements of a Z-shaped cantilever beam under transverse loads of varying magnitude.


A Z-shaped cantilever is under action of a transverse load of max 4000 N (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

The load is conservative and its direction does not change while the cantilever deforms.

The material properties are:
Modulus of Elasticity
2.e+11 pa
Poisson's Ratio


The following table contains values of vertical displacement Uz for different loads in mm.
Load [N] SOL Reference * SimSolid % Difference
300 113.0 113.3 0.24%
500 124.1 122.1 -1.58%
1000 131.0 133.3 1.78%
2500 139.5 143.4 2.82%
4000 144.0 144.8 0.53%

* SOL Reference is a thin shell model

The Von Mises stress distribution at load 4000 N is shown below.
Figure 2.
1 A.A. Becker, Background to Finite Element Analysis of Geometric Non-linearity Benchmarks, Published by NAFEMS, Ref:-R0065, pg. 61 Page 66