Can I Control the Size of the H3D file?

Some of the results in the H3D file are classified as optional results and you can stop HX from exporting them to the H3D file.


Every optional result comes with binary weight. The values are,

Strain Rate = 1 = 2^0

Grain Size = 2 = 2^1

Yield Stress = 4 = 2^2

ln(Z) = 8 = 2^3

Weld Strength = 16 = 2^4

Stress tensor = 32 = 2^5

Surface quality = 64 = 2^6

Flow Stress = 128 = 2^7

What is written?

There is a variable named H3DSaveOptionalResults and this controls what is written in H3D file. The value of the variable is the sum of the values of what results you want to write.

For example if the value of H3DSaveOptionalResults is 127, then the following results will be written in the H3D file.

Strain Rate +Grain Size +Yield Stress + ln(Z) + Weld Strength + Stress tensor +Surface quality = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 = 127

This command is written as: pset H3DSaveOptionalResults 127


Let us say you want to write only the strain rate and ln(Z) then the value is found by

Strain Rate + ln(Z) = 1 + 8 = 9

pset H3DSaveOptionalResults 9