This manual provides a detailed list and usage information regarding command statements, model statements, functions and
the Subroutine Interface available in MotionSolve.
Appendix - Summary of Sinkage and Shearing Approaches
Bekker for penetration forces:(1)
D = the sinkage of the track link in the direction perpendicular to the link
p = pressure
b = track width
C = damping per unit area coefficient
kc, kΦ, n = empirically determined constants
Janosi shear force:(2)
τ = shear stress
j = shear displacement
c = cohesion
Φ= angle of internal friction
k = empirically determined constant
According to the Janosi approach, the shear stress increases while increasing the
shear displacement. The maximum shear stress is:(3)
However, if a value is above a certain value of the shear displacement, then the
shear stress is decreased. This is due to the soil failure changing the soil
parameters (c and Φ). It's recommended to use a
simple approach, where the shear displacement affects the maximum shear stress and
not the soil parameter. The term for the proposed approach is a modified Janosi
jmax = the maximum shear displacement which affects increasing
the shear stress
ju = the ultimate shear displacement
there is no effect on the shear stress while increasing the shear
displacement above this point, ju>jmax
k1 = constant; r = the maximum shear ratio, 1>r>0
For τmax to be a continuous function, the following relationship should be
A plot of non-dimensional shear stress τ* versus
non-dimensional shear displacement j* is provided
in the following figure.