Standalone Applications Unit Draw
In addition to the applications listed above, there are several standalone applications that draw Altair Units. The following table is a summary of AUs drawn of those applications.
Product | AUs | License Feature | Description |
Embed | 21 | EmbedCodeGen | An extension of EMBED Simulation Edition for model-based firmware development supporting all microcontrollers, and with enhanced support for the following: Arduino®, ARM®-Linux® Raspberry Pi™, STMicroelectronics®, and Texas Instruments™. |
Embed Simulation Edition | 10 | EmbedSimulation | A block diagram and state chart visual environment for modeling, simulation, analysis, and control system development. In addition to its simulation capabilities, it also supports real time data monitoring and control using National Instruments and other boards as well as OPC, CAN, UDP, Serial, and MQTT. |
Embed Basic | 1 | EmbedBasic | Same as EMBED Professional with a 100 block limit. |
Embed Digital Power Designer | 10 | EmbedDigitalPower | Used for the design and development of digital power supplies and power conversion equipment. DPD is an Add-On for Embed Professional. |
ESAComp | 6 | ESAComp | Composite design software. Units are stacked. |
Flow Simulator | 50 | FSimGUI, FSimSolver |
Integrated flow, heat transfer, and combustion design software that enables mixed fidelity simulations to optimize machine and systems design. GUI levels. First solver instance levels, second plus stacks. |
FluxMotor | 15 | FluxMotor | A flexible, open software tool dedicated to the pre-design of electric rotating machines. |
PollEx PCB Modeler | 10 | PollExBasic | PCB Modeler (PCB, Real PCB Assembly Viewer, Cross Probe (CP)) |
PollEx PCB Solver | 30 | PollExSolver | PCB Solvers for signal integrity, power integrity, thermal analysis. |
PollEx PCB Verification | 50 | PollExVerification | PCB Design for Manufacturing (DFM), Design for Assembly (DFA), Design for Electrical (DFE), Design for Electrical Plus (DFE+), Logic DFE |
PollEx PCB Verification Post-Processing | 21 | PollExPostVerification | PCB Design for Manufacturing (DFM), Design for Assembly (DFA), Design for Electrical (DFE), Design for Electrical Plus (DFE+), Logic DFE – Result visualization |
PollEx PCB UPE | 30 | PollExUPE | PCB Unified Part Editor |
PollEx Logic/CAM | None | PollExEntity | Logic, CAM, BOM |
SimSolid | 30 | SimSolid, SimSolidBasic |
A structural analysis software for fast design iteration. It eliminates geometry simplification and meshing, enabling the analysis of fully featured CAD assemblies without meshing. Levels at first instance, stacks at second plus. |