Display Properties

Use the options in the display properties microdialog to define post-processing visualizations.

Figure 1.
Option Description
Surface color display Tab to define how surfaces are colored.
  • To enable surface coloring, turn the display on. If display is off, it will color objects in default color.
  • Select option to color surfaces based on constant color or with contours of scalars.
Vector display Tab to define how vectors on a given object are displayed.
  • To enable vector display, turn the display on and select a vector.
  • Define a vector scale factor and select a vector display based on magnitude or uniform value. You can also control the resolution of the vector tip and shaft.
  • Select option to color vectors based on constant color or with contours of scalars.
Contour line display Tab to define how contour lines on a given object are displayed
  • To enable contour line display, turn the display on and select a vector.
  • Select option to color contour lines based on constant color or with contours of scalars.
Mesh line display Tab to define how mesh lines on a given object are displayed.
  • To enable mesh line display, turn the display on and select a vector.
  • Select option to color mesh lines based on constant color or with contours of scalars.
Feature line display Tab to define how feature lines on a given object are displayed.
  • To enable feature line display, turn the display on and select a vector.
  • Select option to color mesh lines based on constant color or with contours of scalars.