Viewing a Cable Harness in the Cable Schematic View
Open the cable schematic view for a specific cable harness to add circuit elements,
probes or general networks to the connector pins or connect cables to one
On the Cables tab, in the
View group, click the Schematic icon. From the drop-down list, select the relevant cable harness.
The Schematic contextual tab set
containing the Cable schematic contextual tab is
displayed on the ribbon.
A new tab is opened in the 3D view that contains the
three-dimensional cable harness projected onto a two-dimensional plane. The tab
label indicates the specific cable harness that is viewed.
Click on the tab to view the cable harness in the cable schematic view.
Figure 1. The cable schematic where the 3D cable harness is projected onto a 2D
Note: A cable instance is displayed as a grey line (indicating the cable path)
between its two connectors. A cross-section of the cable instances running
along this cable path is also displayed on the cable path.