Solver Parameters

Figure 1. Solver Parameters
- Solver: Algorithm to solve the iterative method. BICGSTAB (BiConjugate Gradient STAbilized method) and GMRES (Generalized Minimal Residual method) are available. If no convergence is achieved by using any of this methods, try to use the other one. direct solution method may require huge memory and time resources when a large number of unknowns is considered.
- Method:
- MRW: Ma-Rokhlin-Wandzura (MRW) specialized quadrature rules are used in the computation of inductive and capacitive contributions of MoM’s matrix. User can set this parameter to low, medium or high accuracy.
- Gauss: Conventional Gauss quadrature rules are used in the computation of inductive and capacitive contributions of MoM’s matrix.
- Region Size: This parameter defines the size edge (in terms of wavelengths) of the regions generated in the MLFMA-MoM (Multi-Level Fast Multipole Algorithm – Method of Moments) algorithm.
- Relative Error: It is the maximum value error allowed in the iterative process. When the relative error of any iteration is lower than the value specified, the current computation stay is considered as a valid solution and the iterative process is finished. The smaller is the Relative Error the more accurate is the provided solution, but the larger is the computation time.
- Maximum number iterations: Maximum number of iterative steps used to search an iteration that satisfies the specified Relative Error. If the maximum number of iterations is reached without getting a valid solution, the last iteration solution is saved.
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