Viewing the Results

View and post-process the results in POSTFEKO.

The currents and near fields were calculated within a predetermined frequency range. Any time signal can be analysed provided its spectral content is within this range.
  1. Create the input Gaussian pulse and triangular pulse using the following parameters:
    Property Gaussian pulse Triangular pulse
    Time axis unit ns ns
    Total signal duration 100 100
    Amplitude 1 1
    Pulse delay 19 19
    Pulse width 4 8
    Number of samples 400 400
    Tip: On the Time analysis tab, in the Time signal group, click the New time signal icon.

    Figure 1. The Gaussian and triangular input signals.
  2. View the time response of the system when a Gaussian pulse or a triangular pulse is applied.

    Figure 2. Near field time response for the Gaussian pulse (left) and triangular pulse (right) after 19 ns.
    Note: Gain insight into the time domain behaviour of a system using animation.
  3. View the near field magnitude plotted over time at position (-2, -2, 0) m.

    Figure 3. E-field magnitude at position (-2, -2, 0) m.