Altair® Panopticon


Python Transform

A Python script can be executed as a data transformation step in the data pipeline. Specifically:

q  Data is retrieved from an underlying source.

q  The returned data table is translated into a Python object; specifically, a list of dictionaries.

q  The Python object, and supplied Python Script are passed to an external Python process running Pyro.  (Python Remote Objects) e.g.,

q  The external Pyro process returns a list of dictionaries

q  The returned list of dictionaries is translated into a Panopticon table for visualization rendering.



·  When used with streaming data sources (e.g., message bus), the Real Time Limit of a streaming data source should be set to a value longer than the time taken to perform the Python data transform.

For example, if the transform operation takes 2 seconds, the Real Time Limit should be set to 2500 milliseconds.

·   When used for non-streaming data sources (e.g., Database), the data table Auto Refresh period should be set to a value longer than the time taken to perform the Python data transform.

For example, if the transform operation takes 2 seconds, the data table Auto Refresh period should be set to 3 seconds.



When the Python button is selected, the dialog changes to show:



1.     Tap the Enable Python Transform slider.

The Transform Settings button and Python tab change to  and , respectively.


2.     Specify the Host and Port of the Pyro process, along with the HMAC key (Password).

3.     Specify the Data Object Name. This defines the data structure (list of dictionaries) that Panopticon Visualization Server will produce, and then will be utilized by the Python script.

4.     Select the Serialization Type: Serpent or Pickle

·         Serpent – simple serialization library based on ast.literal_eval

·         Pickle – faster serialization but less secure

Modify the  file located in ..\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\Pyro4 to specify the serialization to be used.

For example, if Pickle is selected, self.SERIALIZER value should be changed to pickle and self.SERIALIZERS_ACCEPTED  value should be changed to include pickle:

def reset(self, useenvironment=True): """ Set default config items. If useenvironment is False, won't read environment variables settings (useful if you can't trust your env). """ self.HOST = "localhost" # don't expose us to the outside world by default self.NS_HOST = self.HOST self.NS_PORT = 9090 # tcp self.NS_BCPORT = 9091 # udp self.NS_BCHOST = None self.NATHOST = None self.NATPORT = 0 self.COMPRESSION = False self.SERVERTYPE = "thread" self.COMMTIMEOUT = 0.0 self.POLLTIMEOUT = 2.0 # seconds self.SOCK_REUSE = True # so_reuseaddr on server sockets? self.SOCK_NODELAY = False # tcp_nodelay on socket? self.THREADING2 = False # use threading2 if available? self.ONEWAY_THREADED = True # oneway calls run in their own thread self.DETAILED_TRACEBACK = False self.THREADPOOL_SIZE = 16 self.AUTOPROXY = True self.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 0 # 0 = unlimited self.BROADCAST_ADDRS = "<broadcast>," # comma separated list of broadcast addresses self.FLAME_ENABLED = False self.PREFER_IP_VERSION = 4 # 4, 6 or 0 (let OS choose according to RFC 3484) self.SERIALIZER = "pickle" self.SERIALIZERS_ACCEPTED = "pickle,marshal,json" # these are the 'safe' serializers self.LOGWIRE = False # log wire-level messages self.PICKLE_PROTOCOL_VERSION = pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL self.METADATA = True # get metadata from server on proxy connect self.REQUIRE_EXPOSE = False # require @expose to make members remotely accessible (if False, everything is accessible) self.USE_MSG_WAITALL = hasattr(socket, "MSG_WAITALL") and platform.system() != "Windows" # not reliable on windows even though it is defined self.JSON_MODULE = "json" self.MAX_RETRIES = 0



The Host, Port, HMAC Key, and Serialization Type fields will be hidden if their corresponding properties are set in the file.


Corresponding Property in Panopticon.properies






Serialization Type


5.     Tap the Use Apache Arrow slider to enable fast serialization of data frames in the Python transform.

6.     Enter the Python Script or load from an associated file (selected by clicking the Browse button). This returns the output list of dictionaries. Just like an underlying SQL query, the Python script itself can be parameterized.


This step will work for small and simple use cases. However, when you have several transforms, or when each transform is applied to several data tables, it is highly recommended to follow the instructions in Best Practices on Working with Python Transform in Panopticon section.



7.     Specify whether to Enclose Parameter in Quotes.

8.     The Timeout is set to 10 seconds by default to ensure that slow running Python scripts do not impact other areas of the product. You can opt to enter a new value.

9.     Click . This prepares the time series analysis.

10.   Refer to Enable Time Series Analysis for more information in enabling this feature.

Enabling the time series analysis when you perform a Python Transform solves the problem of having to specify all of the values. It also allows you to choose which Time column should be used to specify the time series.

11.   Click .