Altair® Panopticon


Numeric Field Formats

As previously detailed, the Format field lets you specify the format of numbers that will be displayed in the dashboards, either in tables, filters, or in visualization pop-up details.

The Format field will use the predefined format that was set in the Data table settings pane.

Useful formats include:



0.0 %

Produces a percentage with a single decimal place.  The percentage will be 100 times the original value.

0.0 ‘%’

Displays a number and adds a percentage suffix.  In this case the number will not be multiplied.


Produces a number without any decimal places plus the thousand separator


Produces a number with two decimal places plus the thousand separator.


Produces a number with four decimal places plus the thousand separator.


Produces a number with two decimal places if a decimal exists.  Otherwise no decimal will be displayed.


Produces a number without any decimal places, and with a thousand separator, where negative numbers are displayed in parenthesis


Produces numbers with two decimal places (for example, #,##0.00).


Produces percentages with two decimal places (for example, 0.00 %).

#,##0; #,##0

Similar to #,##0, except that there will be no distinction between negative and positive numbers.  This number format can be used to display Ranking on a Line Graph producing a Bump Chart.


Produces a percentage without any decimal place. The percentage will be 100 times the original value.


Produces a percentage with two decimal places. The percentage will be 100 times the original value.


Produces a percentage with two decimal places where negative numbers are displayed in parenthesis.


Produces a number without any decimal places, and with a thousand separator with a USD prefix.



You can also specify a customized format.