Altair® Panopticon


Cross Tab Axes

Visualizations that support cross tabbing, include the following settings for both the X and Y axes.



Leaf Margin

The margin allocated to the leaf or lowest level of data of the crosstab axis. Default is 80.

Leaf Label Angle

The Label angle of the leaf or lowest level of data of the crosstab axis. Default is 0 and maximum is 90.

Inner Bar Thickness

The width or height allocated for the non-leaf components of the crosstab axis in pixels. Default is 80.

Inner Label Angle

The angle of the non-leaf labels. Default is 0 and maximum is 90.

Min Interval Length

The minimal interval in pixels between cross tabbed visualizations. Default is 100.

Max Interval Length

The maximum interval in pixels between cross tabbed visualizations. Default is 400.

Word Wrap

Determines whether to wrap the crosstab axis text.