Altair® Panopticon


Text Calculations

Text calculations allow new text columns to be created based on input string manipulation.

They typically use one or more of the following operators:




Concatenates two strings together.


Returns the starting position of a text string within another text string.


Returns a string based on the expression being evaluated to true or false.


Returns the left most characters from a string producing a new string.


Returns the number of characters in a string.


Returns the input string in lower case.


Returns the characters from the middle of a text string, given a starting position and length.


Converts a text string to proper case; the first letter in each word in uppercase, and all other letters in lower case.


Replaces all of the instances of the pattern_to_replace with the replacement_text.

For example:

replace_All(input_text, pattern_to_replace, replacement_text)

replace_All("ABA", "A", "X") = "XBX"

NOTE: Only input_text may be null.

Special cases:

·         If input_text is null, the result is null.

If pattern_to_replace is empty, it's considered to occur at every position in the input_text (including before the first and after the last character).


Replaces the first instance of the pattern_to_replace with the replacement_text.

For example:

Replace_First(input_text, pattern_to_replace, replacement_text)

Replace_First("ABA", "A", "X") = "XBA"

Note: Only input_text may be null.

Special cases:

·         If input_text is null, the result is null.

If pattern_to_replace is empty, it's considered to occur at every position in the input_text (including before the first and after the last character).


Returns the right most characters from a string producing a new string.


Returns the input string stripped of leading or following spaces.


Returns the input string in upper case.


In addition, the IF calculation can be used on text inputs to define the condition, to produce numeric output.

Example: IF([SIDE]=”BUY”,[SIZE],-[SIZE])

Calculation Data Type

The data type of a calculation will default to text if a text column is used in the calculation.  This type can be set manually by checking the “Set type manually” checkbox.

And then picking the appropriate output data type.