Altair® Monarch® Server


Assigning Document Types to Roles, User Groups and Users

After you configure and save a document type, you can assign it to roles, user groups and users. When you do so, you enable the role members, group members and users to retrieve documents of that type.

When assigning a document type, keep in mind that rights in Monarch Server are cumulative. If, for example, you assign a document type to a role, any user assigned to that role will be able to retrieve documents of that type.

To assign a document type to roles, user groups and users

  1. On the Navigation Tree, click Content System, then click Document Management and select Document Types. The Document Types page is displayed.

  2. Click the name of a document type or click anywhere on its row, and then click clip0003.

  3. Select the Rights tab.

  4. Important: To make a document type to be available to all users, select Global check box and click the Save button.
    Otherwise proceed to the next steps.

  5. Click User Groups to expand a hidden section.
    Select user groups that you want to have access to the document type. To select a user group, drag it from the left pane to the right pane.

  6. Click Roles to expand a hidden section.
    Select roles that you want to have access to the document type. To select a role, drag it from the left pane to the right pane.

  7. In the Users section you can select users that you want to have access to the document type.
    To select a user, drag their name from the left pane to the right pane.

Note. If you don't want a user to retrieve any documents of a particular document type, drag a role, user group, or user from the right pane to the left pane.

  1. To save the changes, click the Save button.

  2. To clear the changes, click the Clear button.

  3. To close the Rights tab without saving, click Cancel. Keep in mind that no changes will be saved.