Search Bar
The Monarch Classic's search bar allows you to search for information in a report, table, or summary:
An additional option, Ignore Character Width, is available if Full Width Character Mode is turned on under Input Options:
An additional option, Expression Search, is available for tables and summary:
You can search for any text, including letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation.
Do one of the following to bring up the Search Bar:
Press CTRL + F
Select the search icon from the Report View Ribbon, Table View Ribbon, or Summary View Ribbon.
Type a search string in the Search box. You may enter up to 128 characters, including letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation.
Set the search options. (Note that search options vary slightly if you are searching reports or table/summaries).
Click on Find Next to initiate the search. Keep clicking on Find Next to search further down (or up) the document.
To quit searching, close the Search Panel by selecting CTRL+F or by selecting the red x box at the side of the search panel.