Altair® Monarch®


Connector Dialog for IBM Cloudant

Enter values into the dialog box to connect and fetch data from your IBM Cloudant data source.




Cloudant Account or URL

Enter one of the following:

  • the Account that will be used or

  • the URL that you will be connecting to

Connect to a Specific Database

Check this box if you are logging into a specific database. Then, enter the name of the database that you will be logging on to. Otherwise, you can leave this blank.


A valid Username required to log-on to Cloudant.


A valid Password required to log-on to Cloudant. This password must match the Username above.


Click on this button to log-on to Cloudant.  This assumes that the Account/URL, Database, Username, and Password have been entered correctly. A message box is displayed confirming if the login was successful.


Select the database you will connect to.

Source Type

Select the Source Type. Corresponding sections will be enabled depending on the source type you select.

Source Type = View

If you select Source Type = View, configure how you wish documents to be returned from the view:

  • Check Include All Document Fields to include all documents in the view.

  • Check Reduce  if you want to apply the view’s reduce function. If you check this box, also enter the group level of the reduction.

  • Check Specific Keys  if you want to limit documents to be returned based on certain keys.

  • Check Bounded Query if you want to limit documents to a certain range of keys using upper and lower key bounds.

  • Enter the cutoff of the number of documents you want returned using the Limit box.

  • Enter the number of documents that will be skipped into the Skip box.

  • Select the order in which the documents will be returned: Ascending or Descending.

  • Check Stale  to allow stale (or documents that have not been updated) to be returned. This can help  to reduce latency.

Source Type = Search Index

If you select Source Type = Index, configure how you wish documents to be returned:

  • Select a search index from the dropdown and enter your query term.

  • Enter the cutoff of the number of documents you want returned into the Limit box.

  • Enter the sort order (Ascending or Descending) you want to apply to the returned documents.

  • Check Include All Document fields to include all document fields in the view.

  • Check Stale box to allow stale (or documents that have not been updated) to be returned. This can help  to reduce latency.

Preview Data

Click to fetch data using the credentials and criteria you have specified. 10 records are displayed to allow you to verify that you are selecting the correct data.