RD-T: 3060 Three Point Bending

This tutorial demonstrates how to set up 3-point bending model with symmetric boundary conditions in Y direction.

図 1.
The model description is as follows:
  • UNITS: Length (mm), Time (s), Mass (ton), Force (N) and Stress (MPa)
  • Simulation time: in Engine file [0 - 6.601e-002 s]
  • Only one half of the model is modeled because it is symmetric.
  • The supports are totally fixed. An imposed velocity of 1000 mm/s is applied on the Impactor in the (-Z) direction
  • Model size = 370mm x 46.5mm x 159mm
  • Honeycomb Material /MAT/LAW28: HONEYCOMB

    [Rho_I] Initial density = 3.0e-10ton/mm3

    [E11], [E22] and [E33] Young's modulus (Eij) = 200 MPa

    [G11], [G22] and [G33] Shear modulus (Gij) = 150 MPa

  • Elasto-Plastic Material /MAT/LAW36: Inner, Outer and Flat

    [Rho_I] Initial density = 7.85-9ton/mm3

    [E] Young's modulus = 210000 MPa

    [nu] Poisson's ratio = 0.29

  • Strain Curve:
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    STRAIN 0 0.012002 0.014003 0.018003 0.022002 0.026003 0.030006 0.032 0.033005 0.033523
    STRESS 325 335.968 343783 349.245 358.649 372.309 383.925 388.109 389.292 389.506
  • Elastic Material /MAT/PLAS_JOHNS: Impactor

    [Rho_I] Initial density = 8e-9ton/mm3

    [E] Young's modulus = 208000 MPa

    [nu] Poisson's ratio = 0.29

Load the Radioss User Profile

  1. Launch HyperMesh Desktop.
  2. From the Preferences menu, select User Profiles or click the userProfile-24 icon in toolbar.
  3. Select Radioss (Radioss2021) and click OK.

Retrieve the Model File

  1. Click File Import Solver Deck or click fileImportGeometry-24.
  2. Click the Select File icon files_panel to open the BENDING_0000.rad file you saved to your working directory from the radioss.zip file.
  3. Click Import.
  4. Click Close to close the window.

Create and Assign Material

  1. Click Model > Material.
  2. In the window, right-click and select Create New > Elastic > Linear elastic (1) as shown below:

    図 2.
  3. For Title, enter Rigid Material.
  4. Enter all the material data, as shown in the following image.

    図 3.
  5. 入力ボックスSupportを右クリックし、Include picked partsselectpartgeneral-24をクリックして選択します。 the parts Impactor and Support in the モデリングウィンドウ.
  6. 下部左側角のYesをクリックします。
  7. Enterを押すか、Saveをクリックして検証します。

Create and Assign Material for Parts

  1. In the window, right-click and select Create New > Elastic > Piecewise linear (36).
  2. For Title, enter Shell Material.
  3. Enter all the material data, as shown in the following image:

    図 4.
  4. Open the Strain rate folder and click addrow to add a row.
  5. Right-click in Yield stress function field and click Select in Model to select an existing function in the model.

    図 5.
  6. In the Function file window, select the function with an ID of 2, then click OK to import the curve. The function can be edited, as shown in the image below.

    図 6.
  7. Treeタブをクリックして選択します。 the parts Inner, Outer, and Flat on the tree.
  8. 06_viewをクリックして、この選択を隔離します。
  9. Click the Material tab.
  10. 入力ボックスSupportを右クリックし、Include picked partsselectpartgeneral-24をクリックして選択します。 the parts Inner, Outer and Flat in the モデリングウィンドウ as shown in the image.

    図 7.
  11. 下部左側角のYesをクリックします。
  12. Enterを押すか、Saveをクリックして検証します。

Create and Assign HCFoam Material

  1. In the window, right-click and select Create New > Elastic > Honeycomb orthotropic (28).
  2. For Title, enter Foam.
  3. Enter all the material data, as shown in the image:

    図 8.
  4. Right-click on the Yield stress function 11 field and click Select in Model to select a curve already present in the model.
  5. In the Function file window, select the function with ID of 5, then select OK.
  6. Repeat this process for the Yield functions, as shown in the following image.

    図 9.
  7. Treeタブをクリックして選択します。 the part HCFoam (7) on the tree.
  8. 06_viewをクリックして、この選択を隔離します。
  9. Click the Material tab.
  10. 入力ボックスSupportを右クリックし、Include picked partsselectpartgeneral-24をクリックして選択します。 HCFoam in the モデリングウィンドウ as shown in the image.

    図 10.
  11. 下部左側角のYesをクリックします。
  12. Save > Closeをクリックします。

Create and Assign a Property

  1. Click Model > Property.
  2. In the window, right-click and select Create New > Surface > Surface > Shell (1).

    図 11.
  3. For Title, enter Shell Property.
  4. Enter Shell thickness and Shell element formulation values, as shown in the image.

    図 12.
  5. Treeタブをクリックして選択します。 the parts Inner, Outer and Flat on the tree.
  6. 06_viewをクリックして、この選択を隔離します。
  7. Click the Property tab.
  8. 入力ボックスSupportを右クリックし、Include picked partsselectpartgeneral-24をクリックして選択します。 the parts Inner, Outer and Flat in the モデリングウィンドウ to assign Shell property.
  9. 下部左側角のYesをクリックします。
  10. Click Save.

Create and Assign an Impactor and Support Property

  1. For Title, enter Rigid Property.
  2. Enter the Shell thickness value as .9119, as shown in the image.

    図 13.
  3. Click the Tree tab and select the parts Impactor and Support in the tree.
  4. Click 06_view to show only these parts.
  5. Click the Property tab.
  6. 入力ボックスSupportを右クリックし、Include picked partsselectpartgeneral-24をクリックして選択します。s Impactor and Support in the モデリングウィンドウ to assign Rigid property.
  7. 下部左側角のYesをクリックします。
  8. Click Save.

Create and Assign HCFoam Property

  1. In the window, right-click and select Create New > Volume > General solid (14).
  2. For Title, enter Foam.
  3. Treeタブをクリックして選択します。 HCfoam on the tree.
  4. 06_viewをクリックして、この選択を隔離します。
  5. Go back to the Property tab.
  6. In the Flag for solid elements formulation field, select HEPH.

    図 14.
  7. 入力ボックスSupportを右クリックし、Include picked partsselectpartgeneral-24をクリックして選択します。 HCfoam in the モデリングウィンドウ to assign Foam property.
  8. 下部左側角のYesをクリックします。
  9. Save > Closeをクリックします。

Create Impactor Rigid Body

  1. From the menu bar, click Mesh Editing > Rigid Body.
  2. In the window, right-click to select Create New, enter the name Impactor.
  3. Treeタブをクリックして選択します。 the Impactor assembly on the tree.
  4. Click 06_view to show all parts.
  5. Click the Mesh Editing tab.
  6. 入力ボックスSupportを右クリックし、Include picked partsselectpartgeneral-24をクリックして選択します。 Impactor in the モデリングウィンドウ.

    図 15.
  7. 下部左側角のYesをクリックします。
  8. Enterを押すか、Saveをクリックして検証します。

Create a Support Rigid Body

  1. In the Title field, enter the name Support.
  2. 入力ボックスSupportを右クリックし、Include picked partsselectpartgeneral-24をクリックして選択します。 Support in the モデリングウィンドウ.
  3. Click Yes to complete the selection.
  4. Click Save.
    The rigid body for Support should look like the following image.

    図 16.
  5. Click Close.

Define Boundary Conditions

  1. Click LoadCase > Boundary Condition.
  2. In the window, right-click to select Create New.
  3. Press F6 to show the rigid bodies.
  4. In the Title field, enter Boundary.
  5. Right-click in the entry box Support and right-click in the モデリングウィンドウ. Click Add/Remove nodes by picking selection and select the master node of the rigid body.

    図 17.
  6. Constrain all DOF except translation in Z as shown in the following image. To constrain the nodes, check the boxes for TX, TY, RX, RY and RZ.

    図 18.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Repeat the same process to create boundary conditions for the Support and Symmetry boundary condition for the inner/outer/flat.
  9. Click the node selection icon selectbyboxadd-24 to select the master node of Support, as shown in the following image.

    図 19.
  10. Constrain all DOF by selecting TX, TY, TZ, RX, RY and RZ, as shown in the image.

    図 20.
  11. Click Save.
  12. In the Boundary condition creation field, enter Symmetry.
  13. Treeタブをクリックして選択します。 the parts Inner, Outer, HCfoam and Flat on the tree.
  14. 06_viewをクリックして、この選択を隔離します。
  15. Press the p key to change the perspective visualization.
  16. Click the Boundary Condition tab.
  17. From the Visualization toolbar, select the YZ View, as shown below.

    図 21.
  18. Right-click in the entry box Support, right-click in the モデリングウィンドウ, and click Add nodes by box selection to select the nodes, as shown below.

    図 22.
  19. To constrain the nodes, select TY, RX and RZ.

    図 23.
  20. Save > Closeをクリックします。

Define Imposed Velocity

  1. Click LoadCase > Imposed > Imposed Velocity.
  2. In the window, right-click to select Create New.
  3. For Title, enter IMPOSED VELOCITY.
  4. For Direction, select Z (translation) and -1000 for Y-Scale factor.
  5. For Time function, use the predefined curve in the model Funct 1.
  6. For Y Scale factor, enter -1000.
  7. Press the F6 key to show the rigid bodies.
  8. Click in the entry box Support and right-click in the モデリングウィンドウ. Click arrow_up and select the master node of Impactor.
  9. Click Yes in the lower-right corner.

    図 24.
  10. Save > Closeをクリックします。

Define Contacts

  1. Click LoadCase > Contact Interface.
  2. In the window, right-click and select Create New > Multi usage (Type 7).
  3. Click on the check box next to Create symmetric interface at saving.
  4. For Title, enter Support.
  5. Treeタブをクリックして選択します。 the parts Flat and Support on the tree.
  6. 06_viewをクリックして、この選択を隔離します。
  7. Click the Contact Interface tab.
  8. Set Min gap for impact active to 0.2.
  9. Set Coulomb friction to 0.1.
  10. Set [Iform] Friction penalty formulation at 2[Stiffness].
  11. Click in the Slave nodes entry box and right-click in the モデリングウィンドウ.
    A menu appears.
  12. Click Include Picked Parts and select FLAT.
  13. Press Y or click Yes at the bottom right of the screen.
    You are automatically moved to the selection of the Master surface.
  14. Right-click and click Include Picked Parts and select Support.
  15. Press Y or click Yes at the bottom right of the screen.

    図 25.
  16. Click Save.
  17. Repeat the same process to create contact between Outer and Impactor.
  18. Treeタブをクリックして選択します。 the parts Outer and Impactor on the tree.
  19. 06_viewをクリックして、この選択を隔離します。
  20. Right-click in the window and select Create New > Multi usage (Type 7).
  21. Click the Contact Interface tab.
  22. Click on the check box next to Create symmetric interface at saving.
  23. In the Title, enter Imp_Outer.
  24. Set Min gap for impact active to 0.2.
  25. Set Coulomb friction to 0.1.
  26. Set [Iform] Friction penalty formulation to 2[Stiffness].
  27. Select Outer Part as Slave and Impactor as Master, as shown in the image.

    図 26.
  28. Click Save .
  29. Repeat the same process for self impact for Outer, Inner and Flat, as self impact.
  30. Treeタブをクリックして選択します。 the parts Outer, Inner and Flat on the tree.
  31. 06_viewをクリックして、この選択を隔離します。
  32. Click the Contact Interface tab.
  33. Select Self-Impact.
  34. Set Title as Self.
  35. Set the Min gap for impact active to 0.7.
  36. Set the Coulomb friction to 0.1.
  37. Set [Iform] Friction penalty formulation to 2[Stiffness].
  38. Select components Outer, Inner and Flat, as shown in the image.

    図 27.
  39. Click Save.

Clean the Model

  1. Click Mesh Editing > Clean.

    図 28.
  2. Select All.
  3. Click Clean > Close.

Export the Model

  1. Click Model > Control Card and select the control cards in the images below.
    注: Make sure to save each control card before editing the next.

    図 29.

    図 30.

    図 31.

    図 32.
  2. Click File > Export > Radioss.
  3. In the Output window that opens, enter the name 3PBENDING and click OK.
  4. Leave the Header of Radioss File window empty and click Save Model.
    The Starter file 3PBENDING_0000.rad is written.
  5. Open Radioss Manager from windows Start menu.

    図 33.
  6. Run the model 3PBENDING_0000.rad using Radioss Manager in the class_exercise folder.