Processing math: 100%


Class Output()

Output(parent='MODEL', name='Output_n', label='Output_n', active=True, 
itype='DISP', subtype='TWO_POINTS', i_or_j='BOTH_MARKERS', 
i_or_j_body='BOTH_MARKERS', p1='P_Global_Origin', p2='P_Global_Origin', 
b1='B_Ground', b2='B_Ground', ent_type='Body', rm='Global_Frame', body_ref=None, 
joint_ref=None, beam_ref=None, bush_ref=None, field_ref=None, force_ref=None, 
spdp_ref=None, contact_ref=None, entset_type='BODIES', use_predefref=False, 
predef_ref='GLOBAL', use_units=False, f2_expr='`0`', f3_expr='`0`', f4_expr='`0`', 
f6_expr='`0`', f7_expr='`0`', f8_expr='`0`')

The output is used to specify what information to be output when a simulation is run. Output types include displacements, velocities, accelerations, forces, and quantities computed according to user- defined expressions.

getValue, setValue

Keyword Arguments

Argument Data Type Description Default
name String The variable name. Output_n, for next available integer n.
label String The descriptive label. Output_n, for next available integer n.
parent Object The parent. MODEL
active Bool Used to activate or deactivate this entity. True
itype Enum Type of the output. One of: DISP, VEL, ACCL, FORCE, EXPR or USER. DISP
subtype Enum Subtype when itype is DISP, VEL, ACCL or FORCE. One of TWO_POINTS which creates output for two points attached to two different bodies, ENTITY which creates output for a given entity or ENTITY_SET which creates output for a given set of entities. TWO_POINTS
i_or_j Enum Selects the I marker, J marker or both for ent_type other than contact. One of I_MARKER, J_MARKER or BOTH_MARKERS. BOTH_MARKERS
i_or_j_body Enum Selects the I body, J body or both for ent_type of contact. One of I_MARKER, J_MARKER or BOTH_MARKERS. BOTH_MARKERS.
p1 Point The first point when sub_type is TWO_POINTS. P_Global_Origin
p2 Point The second point when sub_type is TWO_POINTS. P_Global_Origin
b1 Body The body on which point_1 lies when sub_type is TWO_POINTS. B_Ground
b2 Body The body on which point_2 lies when sub_type is TWO_POINTS. B_Ground
ent_type MultiRef The type of entity on which output is requested when subtype is ENTITY. Can take values Body, Joint, Beam, Bushing, Field, Force, SpringDamper or Contact. Body
rm Marker The marker in which the output is requested. Global_Frame
body_ref Body The body on which the output is requested when ent_type is Body. None
joint_ref Joint The Joint on which the output is requested when ent_type is Joint. None
beam_ref Beam The Beam on which the output is requested when ent_type is Beam. None
bush_ref Bushing The Bushing on which the output is requested when ent_type is Bushing. None
field_ref Field The Field on which the output is requested when ent_type is Field. None
force_ref Force The Force on which the output is requested when ent_type is Force. None
spdp_ref SpringDamper The SpringDamper on which the output is requested when ent_type is SpringDamper. None
contact_ref Contact The Contact on which the output is requested when ent_type is Contact. None
entset_type Enum Type of entities for which output is requested when subtype is ENTITY_SET. One of BODIES, JOINTS, BEAMS, BUSHINGS, FIELDS, FORCES, SPRINGDAMPERS or CONTACTS. BODIES
use_predefref Bool Use predefined reference frame when set to True. False
predef_ref Enum Predefined reference of type LOCAL, LPRF or GLOBAL when use_predefref is True. GLOBAL
use_units Bool Use custom name and units when set to True. False
f2_expr Function A number, MDL expression, or solver expression for the second component of the output. 0'
f3_expr Function A number, MDL expression, or solver expression for the third component of the output. 0'
f4_expr Function A number, MDL expression, or solver expression for the fourth component of the output. 0'
f6_expr Function A number, MDL expression, or solver expression for the sixth component of the output. 0'
f7_expr Function A number, MDL expression, or solver expression for the seventh component of the output. Defaults to ‘0'. * f8_expr (Function) - A number, MDL expression, or solver expression for the eighth component of the output. 0'
cunits StringVector A list of custom cunits. [‘', ‘', ‘', ‘', ‘', ‘', ‘', ‘']
cnames StringVector A list of custom cnames. [‘', ‘', ‘', ‘', ‘', ‘', ‘', ‘']


1. The parent parameter can only be initialized by the constructor and should not be modified directly.

2. Only parent can be used as a positional argument in the constructor.


Create and modify attributes of an Output.
>>> from hw import mview
>>> #Create entities to be analysed
>>> b1 = mview.Body(inertia_props_from_graphic = True)
>>> g1 = mview.Sphere(origin = 'P_Global_Origin',body = b1)
>>> #Create output for Body displacement and set multiple values at once
>>> o1 = mview.Output(name='gravity_disp',itype = 'DISP')
>>> o1.setValues(subtype = 'ENTITY',body_ref = b1)
>>> #Changing the model to analyse joint rotation
>>> j1 = mview.Joint(b1 = b1, b2 = 'B_Ground')
>>> f1 = mview.Force(itype = 'ROT',b1 = b1,origin = 'P_Global_Origin')
>>> j1.origin = 'P_Global_Origin'
>>> f1.tx.lin = 5
>>> #Change the Output type to Expressions and define the expression
>>> o1.itype = 'EXPR'
>>> o1.f2_expr = "`AX({Joint_1.i.idstring})`"
>>> #Similar steps can be done to create outputs for other entities
>>> #For Userdefined outputs
>>> o1.itype = 'USER'
>>> o2.use_local_dll = True
>>> o2.usr_type = 'USER'
>>> o2.usr_sub = 'FUNC()'
>>> o2.local_funcname = 'REQSUB_USER'
>>> o2.local_func_type = 'DLL'