
Move a mesh extrusion geom set to a new model entity.


MoveGeomMex(geom, model, new=False)


geom (string)
The mesh extrusion geom set.
model (string)
The name of the model entity.
new (boolean)
Flag specifies whether to create a new geom set or use the old one.

Return Value



  • The geom and model must not be None.
  • If new = False then the geom must already exist.


This routine moves a mesh extrusion geom set to a new model entity. If new is False, it only works on geom set that is already in the mesh extrusion model entities and only moves the geom from one model to another one. If new is True, then you have a new geom, hence it does not move but creates a new set for a mesh extrusion model. For example,
mexGeom = ROOT + RS + "Geom" + RS + "Mesh Extrusions"
geomChild = GetChildren( mexGeom )
for child in geomChild:
      MoveGeomMex( geom = child, model = "MeshExt_1", new = True )