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Repairing Areas where Automatic Extraction Failed

Repairing Areas where Automatic Extraction Failed

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Repairing Areas where Automatic Extraction Failed

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See the following topics to help repair areas where automatic extraction failed.


hmtoggle_arrow1Midsurface is created in the correct place, but does not facet or does not mesh
1.From the Geom page, select the Midsurface panel.
2.Select the assign target subpanel.
3.Select the failing midsurface.
4.Click offset.
6.Click accept.

If the newly created midsurface still does not facet/mesh, review carefully to see if the midsurface boundary has self-intersections.  If it does, see Midsurface is created, but some areas are incorrectly positioned.


hmtoggle_arrow1Midsurface is created, but some areas are incorrectly positioned
1.From the Geom page, select the Midsurface panel.
2.Select the quick edit subpanel.
3.Select the failing midsurface.

You will see three new components: surface to offset (yellow), midsurface to edit (cyan), and targets (red).  All three new components are temporary and will disappear when you leave the midsurface panel.

Review the targets (red) and the midsurface to edit (cyan) and determine the targets that are incorrectly placed.

4.Select a point (edge) to offset on the yellow surface (Surface to offset).

A red circle appears around the point selected.  If you are selecting a point, it must be a point on the yellow surface edges.  If you are inserting a new point target, the point to offset may be any point on the yellow surface edges.

5.You may assign a new target, by selecting an existing pilot point/edge or create a new one. Once the new pilot is selected, the cyan surface is updated.
6.You can now assign targets to other points (edges) by selecting the new target or by clicking forward_arrow to advance to the required target.
7.Once you completed updating all the required targets you can click update to apply all your changes and make the new midsurface permanent.  This removes all the temporary surfaces and targets



With manual editing, care should be taken to assign reasonable targets.  In particular, the surface edges should not self-intersect (overlap); otherwise, the surface may not facet/mesh.

The distance between the surface to offset and midsurface to edit (plate thickness) is constrained by a quadric approximation.  The midsurface to edit may not go exactly through the assigned targets if their positions cannot be covered by this approximation.


hmtoggle_arrow1Midsurface is missing
1.From the Geom page, select the Midsurface panel.
2.Go to the select the surface pair subpanel and generate the midsurface by selecting the side surfaces.


Select the quick edit subpanel.
3.If you select edit - quick edit, locate a surface on the part geometry that could serve as a prototype of the missing middle surface.
4.Select this surface and go to Midsurface is created, but some areas are incorrectly positioned.


hmtoggle_arrow1Two midsurfaces are positioned as L to each other, but are too short to meet
1.From the Geom page, select the Midsurface panel.
2.Select the extend surface subpanel.
3.Toggle to extend surfaces over edges.
4.Select the edges over which you want the surfaces to be extended.
5.Click extend.
Note:To close (or partially close) a hole in the surface, select all or some of the hole edges in the above procedure.

You can use this method to remove a hole or a sliver in the midsurface.  However, in this case, if you re-offset the midsurface by editing, the hole will reappear.  To prevent the hole from reappearing, remove the hole by removing all the targets of the hole edges and offset (see Midsurface is created, but some areas are incorrectly positioned.)

For slivers, remove all the targets from the inner points of the sliver, and assign two targets at the sliver neck to the same point and offset.


hmtoggle_arrow1Review or change the thickness assigned to the midsurface
1.From the Geom page, select the Midsurface panel.
2.Select the view thickness subpanel.
3.Select the surfaces whose thickness you want see

The white segments display the thickness.  Surfaces that do not have an assigned thickness are displayed in red.

You can assign a constant thickness to a surface by typing in a value and clicking set thickness.  If a midsurface has a variable thickness, you can restore this thickness by re-offsetting the midsurface using the assign target option in the edit (midsurface) subpanel .