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geometry subpanel

geometry subpanel

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geometry subpanel

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The geometry subpanel allows you to change geometry and model tolerances and display settings.

The following controls exist on the geometry subpanel:

cleanup tol

"Cleaning up" refers to cleaning up the CAD geometry data by equivalencing edges, deleting fillets, and eliminating extraneous vertices.  The cleanup tolerance value specifies how much to modify the geometry in the course of "cleaning" it.  Since you will approximate the geometry with a finite element mesh, you need to work with a cleanup tolerance that is less than the node tolerance used in the mesh generation.

geom feature angle

Similar to feature angle, except that this setting is used to determine when model geometry should have a new vertex added (creating two surfaces from one) or removed (merging two surfaces into one).

geometry stitching

For panels involving surface creation you can choose how newly created surfaces are stitched to the model:

by component: created surfaces will be stitched to neighbor surfaces that belong to the same component. This is the default behavior.

all: created surfaces will be stitched to all neighboring surfaces.

attached to selection: created surfaces will be stitched to surfaces attached to selected surfaces or edges.

selection only: created surfaces will be stitched only to other selected surfaces, or surfaces that have edges or vertices selected.

rotate angle

The rotate angle specifies the amount your model rotates when you use the rotation buttons on the toolbar or press the arrow keys.  Increasing or decreasing the angle makes the model appear to rotate faster or slower.  For smaller models, setting the rotation angle to a lower value desensitizes the amount of rotation and allows a smooth transition from frame to frame.

pick tol

The pick tolerance specifies the maximum distance, in pixels, that the cursor can be from a graphical entity in order to select it.  When the pick tolerance is increased, it is easier to pick an entity.

zoom factor

The zoom factor specifies the multiplication factor that is used to increase or decrease the scale of the current view when you press the + and – keys or the zoom in/out button in the toolbar.

surf lines

The surf lines parameter specifies the default number of u-v lines to draw on new surfaces when they are created.  Displaying surface lines can help you to visualize a surface better, but it can slow down the redraw speed of a large model.  The number of surface lines on existing surfaces can be changed by using the Surf Lines panel.