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How do I Interpret Metal Forming Results?

How do I Interpret Metal Forming Results?

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How do I Interpret Metal Forming Results?

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The following four items are examples of what can be evaluated when interpreting the results of a metal forming simulation.

Thinning (%), Thickness
If the thinning is more than about 20 percent , the area may be structurally inefficient.

Major Strain, Minor Strain, Deformation Mode
These items are used to understand the material stretch condition (tension, compression). It may be possible to predict splits and wrinkles.

Effective Strain, Effective Stress
The material yield behavior is written in terms of effective stress and strain quantities. Those are root mean square line result derived from the stress and strain components, respectively. The effective strain that HyperForm writes out is the same as the "effective plastic strain" which is also referred to as the "plastic" strain in a complex state of straining.

You can judge the crack and wrinkle potential from the formability contour, which is directly related to the Forming Limit Curve.