DoE / Stochastics

Use DoE/Stochastics to understand the parameter variation study.

DoE and Stochastics module allows you to investigate hundreds of simulation results in a powerful way. When multiple variational studies have been setup, and results imported, SnRD will automatically post process all the Rattle and Squeak results for high level and deep dive investigation. You can refer to Variabilities Analysis for more information.
Use the exported TPL file in Altair HyperStudy to generate DoE/Stochastics results database and reports required for DoE/Stochastics study.
Tip: Learn more about Altair HyperStudy.

Evaluate DoE/Stochastics

Steps to evaluate DoE/Stochastics runs.

  1. Browse and select the OptiStruct (.FEM) solver file, pre output CSV and the results file using the Post Processing tab.
  2. Click DoE/Stochastics tab.
  3. Click HyperStudy Results Database radio button.
  4. Click to browse and select XML file exported for Variability Study.
  5. Click Calculate.
    This launches Altair Compose in batch mode to evaluate the DoE/Stochastics runs.
    Once complete, a user message will appear. Click OK to close the message.
  6. Click Apply Filters.
    This lists the runs for the selected filters.
  7. Click Display Results.
    This lists and displays the results for selected filters.
  8. Optional: Click SnR Results Database radio button.
  9. Select the required options under Data Filtering panel.
  10. Select the required runs from the Run Selection list.
  11. Click Display Selection.
    This plots the results for the selected runs.

DoE/Stochastics Options

Description of DoE/Stochastics Options

HyperStudy Results Database
To generate a results database for the DoE/Stochastics runs.
SnR Results Database
To use previously created runs database using DoE/Stochastics.
Use this option when you would like to perform additional studies on existing database.
Data Filtering
Active Database
Select active database for post processing.
Select required options for-
All E-Lines.
Only Rattle lines.
Only Squeak lines.
Line ID
Select required E-line ID.
List updates based on E-Lines selection.
Select a result type.
Available options are-
SnR Index
Unit less criteria that describes Squeak or Rattle occurrence.
For Rattle, relative displacement in Z is higher than Gap - Tolerance.
For Squeak, MaxP2P value is higher than inverse of Impulse Rate [IR-1].
Show Runs
Option to display runs for-
All, or
Vary Variables by
Value- actual value used in the run.
Percentage- percentage of variation from the nominal value.
Show Variables
Select the variation parameters used for conducting the runs.
Display All variation study
Only E-Modulus
Only Density
Only Thickness
Only Stiffness
Only Damping
Evaluation Criteria Update
Regeneration of a new Database XML for all Stochastic Runs for a different GD&T/Impulse Rate data file.
Select a new Pre Output CSV file and click Create Results DB.
This new data base is loaded in the session and added to Active Database.