
Shortcut Map Examples

Shortcut Map Examples

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Shortcut Map Examples

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To create a shortcut key "e" that deletes all the elements in the model, enter the following commands in the command field next to the key "E":

*createmark elements 1 "all"; *deletemark elements 1;


To create a shortcut key "L" that accesses the Lines panel, enter the following in the command field next to the key "L":

 hm_pushpanel ;


To create a shortcut key "J" that runs a macro to find all the elements with jacobian < 0.7:  this macro already exists in the QA page of the Utility menu. To call the same macro, enter the following in the command field next to the key "J":

 *evaltclstring "macroElementJacobian 0.7" 0


To create a shortcut key <shift + K> that runs a macro to check whether any beam/bar elements exist in the model and display them only:

1.Create a findbeams.tcl file with following commands:

Proc displayonlybeams {}

 *createmark elements 2 "by config" 60 63

       set beams [hm_getmark elements 2]

 *clearmark elements 2

 if { ![Null beams]}

         *displaycollectorwithfilter comps "none" "" 1 1;

         eval *createmark elements 1 $beams;

         *findmark elements 1 0 1 elements 0 2;

 } else {

               hm_usermessage "No beam elements in this model"



2.In the Key-Command Mappings window, select shift from the Shortcut Key pull-down menu.
3.Enter the following in the command field next to the key <K>.

*evaltclstring displayonlybeams

4.In the File field, click the "…" button to browse to and select the findbeams.tcl file.


See Also:

Input Controls