Planar / Linear Layout

This option defines the finite antenna array with a planar or linear distribution.

Figure 1. The FA - Finite array analysis dialog, with Planar/linear layout selected.


Number of elements along X axis
The number of finite antenna array elements along the X axis.
Number of elements along Y axis
The number of finite antenna array elements along the Y axis.
Offset along X axis
The distance between the finite antenna array elements along the X axis.
Offset along Y axis
The distance between the finite antenna array elements along the Y axis.
Element excitation
If the Uniform distribution or calculated from plane wave option is selected, the array elements will either have a uniform distribution or the distribution will be calculated from the plane wave if a plane wave is present in the model. If the Specify amplitude and phase for each element option is selected, the user can specify the excitation for each element.
Magnitude scaling
The excitation magnitude for the respective element is scaled relative to the base element.
Phase offset (degrees)
The phase offset in degrees for the respective element relative to the base element.