Creating the Finite Substrate

Create a finite substrate by creating a cuboid. Set the region of the cuboid to the medium, substrate.

  1. Create the cuboid.
    1. On the Construct tab, in the Create solid group, click the  Cuboid icon.
    2. Create the cuboid using the Base corner, width, depth, height definition method.
    Note: Primitives, such as the cuboid, have more than one definition method. The cuboid can also be defined as Base centre, width, depth, height.
    1. Use the following dimensions:
      Dimension Value
      Base corner (C) (-substrate_w/2, -substrate_d/2, -substrate_h)
      Width (W) substrate_w
      Depth (D) substrate_d
      Height (H) substrate_h
    2. Click the Create button to create the cuboid and to close the dialog.

  2. Change the cuboid to a dielectric cuboid.
    1. Select Cuboid1 in the model tree.
    2. In the details tree open the right-click context menu and select Properties.

    3. Set the Region medium to substrate.
      Note: This is the substrate dielectric medium created at the start of the example.
    4. Click OK to close the dialog.