SPI Read for Linux Raspberry Pi

Target Category: Linux Raspberry Pi

Target Sub-Category: SPI

Description: The SPI Read block is a serial peripheral interface block for receiving data from certain hardware chips, like analog I/O chips. Use SPI Config to configure the hardware settings.

Additional Information: See the Embed SPI Transmission Forum entry.

Block Output: Determines the type of information the block receives.

Data: Data bits received.
Port Status: Hardware status.
Receive Queue Empty: True if empty.
Receive Queue Length: Specifies the length of the receive queue.
Receive Queue Max Length:
Specifies the maximum length of the receive queue.
Receive Queue Overrun:
True if queue has overflow.
Transmit Queue Full: True if full.
Transmit Queue Length: Specifies the length of the transmit queue.
Transmit Queue Max Length:
Specifies the maximum length of the transmit queue.

Result Data Type: Specifies the data type of the data value produced.

Unit: Specifies the unit number.