less than or equal to

Block Inputs: Two scalar inputs.

The less than or equal to (<=) block produces an output signal of 1 if and only if input signal x1 is less than or equal to input signal x2. Otherwise, the output is 0. On the connector tabs, “l” represents x1 and “r” represents x2.

If you right click the <= block, the Boolean block menu appears allowing you to assign a different function to the block.


1.  Simple if-then-else construct

Consider a variable y such that:

If x ≤ 0.5 then y = cos(3t); else y = 0

where t is simulation time. Let x be a unit step delayed by 7s, represented as u(- 7). This system can be realized as shown below.

Until the onset of the step input at t = 7s, the Boolean inequality x 0.5 evaluates to true, and y takes on a value of cos(3t). At  t = 7s, the Boolean inequality evaluates to false and remains false for the duration of the simulation. Consequently, from this point onwards, y takes on the value of 0. The lower plot block monitors the outputs of the cos and variable x blocks.