Altair® Panopticon


Server Queryable Cache Refresh

The server provides a section once authenticated as an administrator to modify caches.

Both workbook specific and global caches are displayed, including:

  • Name

  • Row Count, (Set to 0, if not yet populated)

  • Last Updated

A cache can be selected, and then Refresh button is enabled. Clicking on this button causes the data for that cache to be loaded, and the cache populated.

Clicking Clear All will clear all caches of data, ensuring that any subsequent workbook access that utilizes a cache, will cause a cache reload.

Two icons appear to the right of each cache listing.

The first , will display the Refresh Cache tooltip when the mouse pointer is placed over it.

The second, will display the Refresh Cache Incremental tooltip.


Clicking the first link will refresh the cache. The same behavior can also be achieved by invoking the refresh cache HTTP service on the Server. The URL can be placed in a scheduler with WGET, to schedule the refreshing of the cache.

URL: http://[server]/rest/authenticated/admin/cache/refresh?cacheid=[CacheId]



The second link will start incremental cache refresh. Clicking this link will display a warning message then click Yes:

In addition, invoking the HTTP service on the Server can also be performed for the incremental cache refresh. This URL can be placed in a scheduler with WGET, to schedule the refreshing of the cache.

URL: http://[server]/rest/authenticated/admin/cache/refresh?cacheid=[CacheId] &incremental=[true/false]



Consequently, the refresh cache service on the Server will return a JSON response containing information about the refresh and result of the execute service call.

JSON example response:


   cacheId: “016qm8lENUu0g78d7vSqOg”,

   rowCount: “1750”,

   timestamp: “”


The two cache refresh approaches are almost identical. The only difference is that the full cache load will initially perform a delete of existing data, before caching the retrieved dataset, while the incremental load, will not perform the initial delete.