Altair® Panopticon


Features Added in Version 13.3

  • Support for Windows 10

  • Ability to embed Designer functionality

  • New connectors:

    • Teradata

    • WebSocket

  • Support for source maps when the LESS files are compiled down to CSS files during build of the Thin Client.

  • Ability to aggregate Text

  • Improvement in the Thin Client API examples

  • Support for the KDB+ connector to synchronous and asynchronous reads

  • Restructured web client modules

  • Improved handling of actions in Thin Client

  • The Add, Edit, and Delete options in the Workbook Layout are moved to the Data Table panel

  • Datawatch Designer 12.4 workbooks using parameterized KDB connector now forward compatible with Datawatch Designer 12.6

  • New Outline Only option for Scatter Plot

  • Free text search/completion for multiple selection filter

  • Support for breakdown cycling

  • Database connector UX improvements:

    • Window re-sizing

    • Enable On-Demand Queries check box is disabled when in Query mode with enabled aggregation

  • New Combinations aggregation method

  • Datawatch Designer migration to the Shared Licensing Assembly

  • Datawatch Monarch connector Open dialog extensions improvement