Altair® Panopticon


Designer Bookmarks

In presentation mode, the bookmark toolbar icon is enabled.

Clicking on the icon, displays the Bookmarks panel.

Here new bookmarks can be added by clicking the New button.

Entering the Bookmark Title and clicking the Add button.

Bookmarks record the saved state of the dashboard including:

  • Applied Parameters

  • Applied Filters

  • Applied Sorting, and Drill Paths

And can be used to store useful preset configurations of the dashboards.

They do not save data, and consequently the display can look differently depending on the latest data available.

Multiple bookmarks appear in the listing as follows:

With the selected bookmark highlighted with a checkbox.

Bookmarks can be renamed, edited and deleted, through the Edit, Update, and Delete buttons.

Bookmarks themselves are stored as separate files on disk in Documents\Datawatch Desktop\Bookmarks.