Altair® Panopticon



The Cloudant connector allows for the retrieval and processing of JSON documents stored using a Cloudant server.

Using Cloudant files

  1. When creating a new data table, select IBM Cloudant from the Connect to Data dialog. The Cloudant Connection dialog is displayed.

  2. You can enter either:

    • the Cloudant account that will be used, or

    • the URL that you will be connecting to.

  1. Check the Connect to Specific Database box if you are logging into a specific database then enter the name of the database that you will be logging on to. Otherwise, you can leave this blank.

  2. Enter the login credentials into the Username and Password fields and click the Login button. A message box is displayed confirming if the login was successful.

  3. Select a Database that you will be connecting to in the dropdown box if a specific database was not used to login.

  4. Select the Source Type. The corresponding sections will be enabled depending on the selected source type.

    • View

      • Select a View and configure how you wish documents will be returned from the view.

      • Check the Include All Document Fields box to include all documents in the view.

      • Check the Reduce box if you want to apply the view’s reduce function then enter the group level of the reduction.

      • Check the Specific Keys box if you want to limit the returned documents only to certain keys.

      • Filter the returned documents to a certain range of keys using upper and lower key bounds.

      • Enter the cutoff of the number of documents you want returned into the Limit box.

      • Enter the number of documents returned that will be skipped into the Skip box.

      • Select the order in which the documents will be returned: Ascending or Descending.

      • Check the Stale box to allow stale or not up to date documents to be returned to reduce latency.


    • Search Index

      • Select a search index from the dropdown and enter your query term.

      • Enter the cutoff of the number of documents you want returned into the Limit box.

      • Enter the sort order (Ascending or Descending) you want to apply to the returned documents.

      • Check the Include All Document fields to include all documents in the view.

      • Check the Stale box to allow stale or not up to date documents to be returned to reduce latency.


  1. Click OK. The source table is returned in the Edit Data Table view with the title of the file selected and the fields displayed in the Data Source Preview.