Altair® Panopticon


Adding a Color Legend

The Color Legend displays the color variables of the associated visualization. You can also set the orientation and style of the Color Legend or enable the ability to do a filter or to display this part in the PDF output.

Adding a Color Legend

  1. Draw a rectangle on the dashboard canvas to display the Parts dialog.

  1. Click the Color Legend icon in the Legends & Filters section of the Parts dialog.

The Color Legend part is displayed in the Dashboard canvas.

  1. Select the Color Legend.

  1. The Drag to Connect icon will appear at the top of the Legend.

  1. Click on Drag to Connect and drag to the desired parent visualization. Release the mouse.

The Color Legend is now connected to its parent visualization. It will retrieve color variables from this visualization and display them in the Legend.

The link between the Legend and parent visualization is visible in the Panopticon Designer (Desktop). You can change this and connect to a different visualization by re-doing the Drag to Connect step.

If the visualization can display multiple color variables, which is the case with the Table and Timeseries Combination, then the legend displays a drop list of possible variables to display.

The Color Legend has two styles:

    • Categorical

The Categorical Style Color Legend lists all the text categories and colors used in the associated visualization for the selected source column.

    • Numeric

The Numeric Style Color Legend displays the color range used within the associated visualization for the selected numeric source column.

The style displayed depends on the active color variable of the linked visualization.


The Color Legend Settings can be accessed by clicking the Settings icon.

  1. You can either set the color legend to All Colors or to a specific source column.

  1. The style of the legend can be fixed for numeric color variables to either:

    • Continuous

    • Discrete

  1. For text or discrete numeric color legends, you can display them either:

    • Vertically

    • Horizontally

  1. You can also set if the color legend is read-only or have an enabled user interaction.

  2. For text color legends (Categorical), you can enable filtering and allow selection of all items (Show Select All):

  1. Check the Display in PDF box to include this dashboard part in the PDF output.

When displaying a numeric color variable, the legend default displays the following:

    • Title

    • Color Gradient

    • Value Range Labels

    • Color Range Slider

If Enable User Interaction is disabled, the slider is hidden.