Altair® Panopticon


[10] Managing Workbook Themes


Workbook themes are set of configurable settings that affect all colors and fonts of dashboards and visualizations in a workbook. This configuration also includes setting which among the color palettes will be available for the Color variable or shape palettes for the Shape variable in the visualizations. Furthermore, the general colors to be used in visualizations such as axis, background, border, and focus colors can be defined.

Theme files are independent of workbooks and can be stored externally (e.g., Themes folder in the AppData).






Search Theme

Entering text will filter the themes.


Allows copying, moving, and removing of themes.

Also, to display the themes list either on List View or Grid View.

Create Theme

Allows creating new themes.

Theme Context Menu

Allows uploading, renaming, moving, copying, downloading, and deleting themes.